Homeopathy Health Care

Health tips to help you prevent disease and improve your health. Quitting smoking, wearing sunscreen, eating a healthy diet, and regular exercise can all

It’s a disease characterized by an immoderate and morbid secretion of urine which urea is replaced by sugar or glucose, attended with excessive thirst and progressive emaciation. In some case the quantity of urine discharged is excessive amounting to three or four gallons per day, each gallon containing from one pounds of sugar.
Blood glucose levels are controlled by a complex interaction of multiple chemicals and hormones in the body, including the hormone insulin made in the beta cells of the pancreas. Diabetes mellitus refers to the group of diseases that lead to high blood glucose levels due to defects in either insulin secretion or insulin action.

Remedies & Symptoms


  • Dull gloomy and irritable.
  • Feeling of weakness and weight in region of kidneys.
  • Passes large quantity of clear, pale urine of high specific gravity.
  • Burring in kidneys, pain and lameness in back, numbness in feet going off by motion.
  • Copious flow of limpid urine containing sugar.
  • Unusual appetite and thirst for stimulants, Languour and prostration.
  • Inability to concentrate his thoughts.
  • Sickness of stomach after eating, burning, drawing from kidney to hip.
  • Frequent urination at night, profuse watery.
  • Sugar urine rancid or acrid eructations and burning in stomach.
  • General languor, debility and cold feeling.
  • Purulent discharge from eyelids and nostrils.
  • Excessive thirst. Frequent urination; urine has a fishy smell.
  • Stiffness in loins; restless at night.
  • When disease originates from dyspepsia.

Gout is one of the most painful rheumatic diseases. It’s an arthritic condition that occurs when uric acid crystals accumulate in the joints and decreased kidney functions. Gout is associated with swelling, redness, and extreme pain in the joints–particularly of the big toe it can also affect other joints, such as the knee, ankle, foot, hand, wrist and elbow.

Gout is more common in men rather than women and that too people above ages of 40 years. It is nearly always associated with chronic hyperuricemia, a long-lasting abnormally high concentration of uric acid in the blood.


  • Swelling of feet, hot shining with burning red sports.
  • Burring pain – the parts, burn like fire, wants to be in warm room.


  • Wide spreading redness and swelling of the parts like erysipelas.
  • Stitching burning and throbbing pains which come on suddenly and leave as suddenly.
  • Throbbing headache.
  • Sleepiness but cant sleeps.


  • Pains tensive, jerking or pulling worse in morning from mental exertion from motion and slight contact but strong pressure relives .
  • Person of intemperate or secondary habits and those who lives on rich and highly seasoned food .
  • Constipation of morning diarrhoea.


  • Red or hot swelling of parts particularly of keen joint and feet.
  • The pains are tearing stitching burning.
  • Erratic pains, shifting rapidly from one joint to another.
  • Carves fresh cool air, worse in warm room.
  • Person of a mild tearful disposition.


  • Rheurmatic gout, the joints are red, shining and swollen.
  • Stiffness and lameness of affected parts.
  • The pains are tearing during or as if sprained.
  • Aggravation on first moving limb after rest or during rest relieved by motion.

Inflammation of the throat or pharynx is known as Pharyngitis. It is painful, and thus is often referred to as a sore throat. Inflammation of the tonsillitis and/or laryngitis may occur simultaneously, which can make eating difficult or painful.
Its mostly caused by viral infection (40%-60%), with the remainder caused by bacterial infections, fungal infections, or irritants such as pollutants or chemical substances.

The pharynx is a common site of infection. This is because viruses and bacteria often settle in this part of the body after a person inhales dust or water vapour containing the microorganism. Infection can also arise when a person touches their nose or mouth after having touched an object shared with another person with the disease. The foreign invader reproduces rapidly after settling on the body tissue.

Remedies & Symptoms


  • Tickling cough with constant hawking up of mucous which is not tenacious or stringy.
  • Dry uncomfortable feeling in fauces and pharynx,
  • With raw excoriated feeling or a sense of pricking and yet no swelling.
  • Frequent desire to swallow


  • Burning sensation and shooting pain in throat especially during empty deglutition .
  • Scraping roughness and dryness in throat
  • Voice hoarse, low or gone , in cold , damp ,weather.


  • Sensation of a lump or plug in throat , by inspiration o cold air.
  • Dry irritable state of mucous membrane .
  • Constant desire to roughness and dryness in pharynx
  • Great dryness of that at bedtime .


  • Pharyngitis offensive breathe.
  • Hawks up cheesy lumps of the size of a split pea.
  • Throat swollen, spots or pustules appear with gray exudation , adherent crust in vault of pharynx

Due to the primary infection with varicella zoster virus (VZV) chi chickenpox is caused; it’s a highly contagious illness. Chickenpox starts with vesicular skin rash which appear in two or three waves, on the body and hand mainly becoming itchy raw pockmarks, small open sores which heal mostly without scarring.

Chickenpox is rarely fatal, although it is generally more severe in adults than in children. Pregnant women and those with a suppressed immune system are at highest risk of serious complications. Chickenpox has a 10-21 day incubation period and is spread easily through aerosolized droplets from the nasopharynx of ill individuals or through direct contact with secretions from the rash.

Remedies & Symptoms


  • Early case with restlessness anxiety and high fever.
  • Burning pain in the vesicles, by cold air, and cold application.
  • Great fear of death
  • Burning thirst for large quantities of cold water.


  • Sudden appearance of reddish rash; intense throbbing pain, come sudden ly, last indefinitely and cease suddenly.
  • Severe headache, face flushed, hot skin.
  • Drowsiness with inability to sleep

  • Stitching tearing pain within the rashes.
  • Patients is constipated; stool hard, larger, dry, as if burnt.
  • Extremely thirsty.
  • Dry spasmodic cough, with stitching pain in throat.
  • Complaints from slightest motion and by absolute rest and lying on painful side.

  • Intense inching.
  • Generally the only remedy required; under its action the dics soon disappears
  • Constant restlessness must change position often
  • Tongue dry sore, red, cracked with triangular red tip.
  • Rashes when not heats properly, rather suppurates too much.
  • Profuse offensive sweat.
  • May be constipated, stool difficult to pass.

It’s an infectious disease caused by either of two virus variants, Variola major and Variola minoruniue to human. It localizes in small blood vessels of the skin and in the mouth and throat. In the skin, this results in a characteristic maculopapular rash, and later, raised fluid-filled blisters. Smallpox spreads very easily from person to person.

Symptoms are flu-like and include high fever, fatigue and headache and backache, followed by a rash with flat red sores. Variola major produces a more serious disease and has an overall mortality rate of 30–35%. Variola minor causes a milder form of disease also known as alastrim, cottonpox, milkpox, whitepox, and Cuban itch which kills ~1% of its victims.


Remedies & Symptoms:


  • First stage and early part of second stage; high fever, especially if there be to the head or lungs.
  • Headache bleeding at the nose & injected eyes.
  • Great restlessness.


  • Eruption does not come out properly or has been repelled.
  • Especially indicated in the beginning when the teasing coughs as, in putrid variola with typhoid pneumonia and tendency to paralysis of lungs.
  • Vomiting of viscid mucous, clogging air passages great difficulty of breathing .


  • Confluent smallpox with great swelling at first but after wards the eruption shrinks and becomes livid, blood in pustules, bloody stools.
  • The diseases has assumed as typhoid character tongue dry and cracked with red tip, corner of the mouth sore and ulcerated restlessness.


  • Especially where the disease throws itself with full force on throat.
  • Given steadily during the disease it will run a milder course , changing imperfect pustules into regular ones, which soon dry up it promotes suppuration and desiccation and prevents pitting.


  • During first stage, high fiver with cerebral congestion.
  • Dysuria and tenesmus of bladder, sleeplessness, with desire to sleep.
  • Delirium and convulsions, ophthalmia photophobia.

Delirium is commonly associated with a disturbance of consciousness e.g., reduced clarity of awareness of the environment. The change in cognition like memory deficit, disorientation, language disturbance or the development of a perceptual disturbance, must be one that is not better accounted for by a pre-existing, established, or evolving dementia.

Delirium itself is not a disease, but rather a clinical syndrome which we can say a set of symptoms, which result from an underlying disease or new problem with mentation.
Delirium is simply the common symptomatic manifestation of early brain or mental dysfunction which may cause for any reason.

Delirium is probably the single most common acute disorder affecting adults in general hospitals. It affects 10-20% of all hospitalized adults, and 30-40% of elderly hospitalized patients and up to 80% of ICU patients.

Remedies & symptoms


  • Delirium with talk about death.
  • Raves at night, springs out of bed with great heat, dilated pupils, convulsive motions, or nonsensical talk.
  • Moaning, crying out with staring look.


  • Violent delirium e.g. wants to bite, wants to kill, tries to escape, wants to tear the things etc.
  • Full plethoric habit.
  • Flushed face and red eyes, with dilated pupils.
  • Frightful figures and images before the eyes.
  • Sudden staring and jumping while sleeping.


  • Remedies indicated to irritable to temperament with rheumatic and gouty diathesis.


  • Delirium is caused by from anger, mortification.


  • There is a low muttering delirium.
  • The patients talk about his daily business.
  • Desire to get out of bed to go home although he is at home
  • Patient lies very quietly on bed.
  • Does not want to move even does not want to speak or open the eye because a little bit of motion makes the patient worst.
  • The patient says during delirious stage “I want to go home”


  • Delirium in brain trouble; encephalitis meningitis hydrocephalus.
  • Constantly picks the lips, clothes or boring into his nose with his finger.
  • Boring head into pillow; rolling from side to side; beating head with hand.
  • Chewing motion of the mount.


  • Delirium with restlessness, jump out of bed, tries to escape.
  • Makes irrelevant answer.
  • Thinks he is in the wrong place.
  • Talks of imaginary doing, but has no wants and makes no complaints.
  • When spoken to he answers correctly, but unconsciousness and delirium immediately returns.
  • Aversion to light; fear of being poisoned or betrayed.

HaemoptysisIt is simply know in medical term as coughing up blood, the blood which is coming from the lungs, below the vocal cords. The blood can appear quite massive in amount, as flecks or streaks. It may be caused due to many reasons, but it is important to make sure that the blood really is from the lungs and not from other structures like the nose or the gastro-intestinal system.

What Causes Haemoptysis ?
There are many different causes of haemoptysis. The most common cause is an acute Infection, especially in exacerbations of (COPD) Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. Usually secondary to smoking.Fluid in the lungs (Pulmonary oedema): pink, frothy sputum secondary to heartA blood clot in the lungs (pulmonary embolism)Lobar Pneumonia, usually described as having 'rust coloured' sputum.Rupture of a blood vessel after vigorous coughing.Lung cancer, Tuberculosis, Chronic bronchitis, Bronchiectasis, mitral stenosis or left ventricular failure. In about one quarter of cases, even after thorough investigation the cause of the bleeding is never found.

Remedies & Symptoms


  • Obstinate of arterial bleeding, preceded by burning in chest, with emaciation.
  • Blood is pure bright-red in the morning or dark and clotted in the evening.
  • Spitting of blood, brought on by violent dry cough; morning, evening.
  • Congestion of blood to head and chest.
  • Blood bright-red and hot and sensation as if chest were filled with blood.
  • Bloody expectoration mixed with mucus.
  • Stitching pain in chest, from least exertion.

  • Pure venous blood coming into the mouth without much effort.
  • Felling a warm current from chest.
  • Some time taste of sulphur in mouth.

  • Profuse bleeding from lungs preceded by sensation of bubbling in chest.
  • Cough, with spitting of blood, occasioned by the least effort.
  • Nausea and debility

  • Discharge of bright –red blood.
  • Tickling under sternum, exciting cough.
  • After straining, lifting or stretching arms high to reach things.
  • Dry cough which seems; as if it would tear something out of chest by moving out of chest, by moving about.

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