Homeopathy Health Care

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What is Headache ?

In the term of medical science a headache is a common pain in head, the upper back, or in the neck. One of the Most Common Symptoms experienced by humans. Common headache usually harmless, but occasionally it is a pointer to a serious disease such as brain tumor or stroke. There is no single cause of headaches, number of causes have been identified.
There are some common cause of headache like-
stress,fagitue, poor posture, eye strain, tobacco, alcohal use. In women, hormonal changes occurring befor and after a menstrual period.
Homeopathy is safe and free of side effects and for these reasons can easily be used by every one so here are some remedies and symptoms.
Remedies/ Symptoms
· Congestive headache ,vision obscured, pressing and contracting pains In the upper

part of head.
· Sunstroke from sleeping in the sun rays.
· By lying quietly in the dark room, by nosebleed or by copious urination.
· Headache occurs from a misstep or from loud noise and strong odors
· Headache by strong pressure and lying down and falling asleep, also by eating.
· Nervous headache from mental overwork and fatigue tearing pain in forehead and

upper part of head.

· Rush of blood to head.
· Jerking headache walking going upstairs busting as if brain would be pressed out.
· Caused by explore to cold air or draft of cold are.
· From hair cut or from heat of the sun from washing the head.

Natrum Mur:
· One f the best remedies for chronic headache.
· After washing head with cold water when face was sweating. Irritable thirsty dry lips and
· Bursting or splitting or heavy crushing headache.
· Dullness confusion, dizziness, loss of consciousness.


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