Gout is one of the most painful rheumatic diseases. It’s an arthritic condition that occurs when uric acid crystals accumulate in the joints and decreased kidney functions. Gout is associated with swelling, redness, and extreme pain in the joints–particularly of the big toe it can also affect other joints, such as the knee, ankle, foot, hand, wrist and elbow. Gout is more common in men rather than women and that too people above ages of 40 years. It is nearly always associated with chronic hyperuricemia, a long-lasting abnormally high concentration of uric acid in the blood.
- Swelling of feet, hot shining with burning red sports.
- Burring pain – the parts, burn like fire, wants to be in warm room.
- Wide spreading redness and swelling of the parts like erysipelas.
- Stitching burning and throbbing pains which come on suddenly and leave as suddenly.
- Throbbing headache.
- Sleepiness but cant sleeps.
- Pains tensive, jerking or pulling worse in morning from mental exertion from motion and slight contact but strong pressure relives .
- Person of intemperate or secondary habits and those who lives on rich and highly seasoned food .
- Constipation of morning diarrhoea.
- Red or hot swelling of parts particularly of keen joint and feet.
- The pains are tearing stitching burning.
- Erratic pains, shifting rapidly from one joint to another.
- Carves fresh cool air, worse in warm room.
- Person of a mild tearful disposition.
- Rheurmatic gout, the joints are red, shining and swollen.
- Stiffness and lameness of affected parts.
- The pains are tearing during or as if sprained.
- Aggravation on first moving limb after rest or during rest relieved by motion.