Delirium is commonly associated with a disturbance of consciousness e.g., reduced clarity of awareness of the environment. The change in cognition like memory deficit, disorientation, language disturbance or the development of a perceptual disturbance, must be one that is not better accounted for by a pre-existing, established, or evolving dementia.
Delirium itself is not a disease, but rather a clinical syndrome which we can say a set of symptoms, which result from an underlying disease or new problem with mentation.
Delirium is simply the common symptomatic manifestation of early brain or mental dysfunction which may cause for any reason.
Delirium is probably the single most common acute disorder affecting adults in general hospitals. It affects 10-20% of all hospitalized adults, and 30-40% of elderly hospitalized patients and up to 80% of ICU patients.
Remedies & symptoms
- Delirium with talk about death.
- Raves at night, springs out of bed with great heat, dilated pupils, convulsive motions, or nonsensical talk.
- Moaning, crying out with staring look.
- Violent delirium e.g. wants to bite, wants to kill, tries to escape, wants to tear the things etc.
- Full plethoric habit.
- Flushed face and red eyes, with dilated pupils.
- Frightful figures and images before the eyes.
- Sudden staring and jumping while sleeping.
- Remedies indicated to irritable to temperament with rheumatic and gouty diathesis.
- Delirium is caused by from anger, mortification.
- There is a low muttering delirium.
- The patients talk about his daily business.
- Desire to get out of bed to go home although he is at home
- Patient lies very quietly on bed.
- Does not want to move even does not want to speak or open the eye because a little bit of motion makes the patient worst.
- The patient says during delirious stage “I want to go home”
- Delirium in brain trouble; encephalitis meningitis hydrocephalus.
- Constantly picks the lips, clothes or boring into his nose with his finger.
- Boring head into pillow; rolling from side to side; beating head with hand.
- Chewing motion of the mount.
- Delirium with restlessness, jump out of bed, tries to escape.
- Makes irrelevant answer.
- Thinks he is in the wrong place.
- Talks of imaginary doing, but has no wants and makes no complaints.
- When spoken to he answers correctly, but unconsciousness and delirium immediately returns.
- Aversion to light; fear of being poisoned or betrayed.