When we have abnormal voice change this is known as Hoarseness, if some one is having a problem of hoarseness as the voice will sound rough, raspy, breathy, strained.
The major cause of hoarseness may be vocal cord nodules, irritation of or injury to vocal cord environmental irritants such as tobacco or smoking, viral laryngitis, laryngeal papillomas, and gastroesophageal reflux-related laryngitis. Hoarseness can also be caused by bacterial infection, overuse of the voice such as from yelling or singing, inhalation of irritants smoking, etc.
- After exposure to dry, cold, wind, anger, fright, indignation or emotion.
- Hoarse, croaking voice, like croup.
- Larynx sensitive to touch.
- Sudden complete aphonia.
- Hoarseness evening and night especially towards morning.
- Voice husking with a nasal twang.
- Rawness in larynx awaking.
- Loss of voice on becoming heated by exertion, the voice returns by resting.
- Much hawking and expectoration of phlegm and depressed vitality of the laryngeal mucus membrane.
- From heat of sun or from getting warm, after rest.
- Aphonia or dysphonia with sore throat in persons who speak in public and sing.
- Voice changeable, varying in tone from one moment to another
- Catarrh of the pharynx, trachea and bronchial tubes.
- Hoarseness with rough voice
- Talking is very difficult, has to speak in a piping voice.
- Larynx dry and sensitive to touch, sore throat.