Homeopathy Health Care

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Due to the primary infection with varicella zoster virus (VZV) chi chickenpox is caused; it’s a highly contagious illness. Chickenpox starts with vesicular skin rash which appear in two or three waves, on the body and hand mainly becoming itchy raw pockmarks, small open sores which heal mostly without scarring.

Chickenpox is rarely fatal, although it is generally more severe in adults than in children. Pregnant women and those with a suppressed immune system are at highest risk of serious complications. Chickenpox has a 10-21 day incubation period and is spread easily through aerosolized droplets from the nasopharynx of ill individuals or through direct contact with secretions from the rash.

Remedies & Symptoms


  • Early case with restlessness anxiety and high fever.
  • Burning pain in the vesicles, by cold air, and cold application.
  • Great fear of death
  • Burning thirst for large quantities of cold water.


  • Sudden appearance of reddish rash; intense throbbing pain, come sudden ly, last indefinitely and cease suddenly.
  • Severe headache, face flushed, hot skin.
  • Drowsiness with inability to sleep

  • Stitching tearing pain within the rashes.
  • Patients is constipated; stool hard, larger, dry, as if burnt.
  • Extremely thirsty.
  • Dry spasmodic cough, with stitching pain in throat.
  • Complaints from slightest motion and by absolute rest and lying on painful side.

  • Intense inching.
  • Generally the only remedy required; under its action the dics soon disappears
  • Constant restlessness must change position often
  • Tongue dry sore, red, cracked with triangular red tip.
  • Rashes when not heats properly, rather suppurates too much.
  • Profuse offensive sweat.
  • May be constipated, stool difficult to pass.


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