It’s a disease characterized by an immoderate and morbid secretion of urine which urea is replaced by sugar or glucose, attended with excessive thirst and progressive emaciation. In some case the quantity of urine discharged is excessive amounting to three or four gallons per day, each gallon containing from one pounds of sugar.Blood glucose levels are controlled by a complex interaction of multiple chemicals and hormones in the body, including the hormone insulin made in the beta cells of the pancreas. Diabetes mellitus refers to the group of diseases that lead to high blood glucose levels due to defects in either insulin secretion or insulin action.
Remedies & Symptoms
- Dull gloomy and irritable.
- Feeling of weakness and weight in region of kidneys.
- Passes large quantity of clear, pale urine of high specific gravity.
- Burring in kidneys, pain and lameness in back, numbness in feet going off by motion.
- Copious flow of limpid urine containing sugar.
- Unusual appetite and thirst for stimulants, Languour and prostration.
- Inability to concentrate his thoughts.
- Sickness of stomach after eating, burning, drawing from kidney to hip.
- Frequent urination at night, profuse watery.
- Sugar urine rancid or acrid eructations and burning in stomach.
- General languor, debility and cold feeling.
- Purulent discharge from eyelids and nostrils.
- Excessive thirst. Frequent urination; urine has a fishy smell.
- Stiffness in loins; restless at night.
- When disease originates from dyspepsia.