Cholera, is also known as Asiatic or epidemic choler. It is an infectious gastroenteritis caused by enterotoxin -producing strains of the bacterium Vibrio cholerae Transmission to humans occurs through eating food or drinking water contaminated with cholera vibrios. The major reservoir for cholera was long assumed to be humans themselves, but considerable evidence exist that aquatic environment can serve as reservoirs of the bacteria.
In its most severe forms, cholera is one of the most rapidly fatal illnesses known, and a healthy person's blood pressure may drop to hypotensive levels within an hour of the onset of symptoms; infected patients may die within three hours if medical treatment is not provided. In a common scenario, the disease progresses from the first liquid stool to shock in 4 to 12 hours, with death following in 18 hours to several days, unless oral rehydration therapy is provided.
Remedies & Symptoms
Symptoms of Cholera include nosebleed, rapid pulse, dry skin, tiredness, abdominal, cramps, leg cramps, nausea and vomiting.
The principal symptom of infection is diarrhea, which is watery and brown at first, but quickly changes to large volumes of pale fluid stools ('rice-water stools'). In the most severe cases dramatic fluid loss from the continuous diarrhea can lead to hypovolemic shock and collapse within 1 to 4 hours. Depending upon the treatment provided, unconsciousness and death can occur anytime from 12 to 18 hours afterwards, although some individual cases may persist for several days.
- Caused by fear, fright, shock, heat of the sun, sudden checked of sweat etc.
- Sudden and violent.
- Stool rice-watery with vomiting.
- Bluish face, with black lips, anguish or imbecility in the face, cold limbs, with blue nails.
- Collapse out of proportion to the evacuations, great and sudden sinking of strength, but with no alarm.
- Thirst, burning for large quantities of cold water.
- From spoiled fish or meats, fats, salts meats, or getting overhead, etc.
- Type cholera haemorrahagica, cholera asiatica, where the RBC passes out with serums and tinge is red.
- Stool- rice-watery, offensive, passes frequently and involuntarily, associated with flatulence.
- Diarrhoea and vomiting, with oppression of chest and coma, or algid state, collapse without stool.
- Nose, cheeks and finger- tips bluish, cold tongue, desire to be constantly fanned.
- For the cases with very profuse, evacuation, profuse vomiting and purging and profuse cold sweat.
- Server cutting pains in abdomen.
- Violent diarrhea, with greenish, watery, flocculent stools, followed by rapid prostration.
- Cramps in calves.
- Small, almost imperceptible pulse.
- Hoarse weak, weak, voices, cold breathe.
- Cold sweat over whole body .