My previous post was about Menstruation. Today I am giving my views about Vomiting and Nausea.
Vomiting and Nausea
Vomiting and nausea are a common complain that happens with many conditions and diseases. It can happen due to many causes like due to morning sickness, motion sickness, dehydration, pregnancy or due to any major sickness or cancer therapy also causes vomiting.
Vomiting is a very violent act in which the stomach contents are forcefully expelled through mouth. The stomach turn itself inside out - forcing itself into the lower portion of the esophagus during a vomiting.
Nausea can be defined as a unpleasant feeling in stomach or throat that may cause vomiting, nausea is the sensation that the stomach wants to empty itself.
There are several causes for nausea and vomiting,It can cause due to acute gastric or other illnesses in the stomach. Food poisoning may also cause vomiting and usually it happens due to bacterial toxin. Another cause of vomiting is use of alcohol or smoking. It may also cause due to Peptic ulcer disease which causes mild irritation of the stomach lining to the formation of a defect in the protective lining of the stomach called an ulcer.
Remedies/ Symptoms
- Vomiting from hot spiced food or seasoned food, irregular diets, over eating, mental over exertion, effects of night watching, smoking, alcohol etc.
- Bitter or sour tasted vomiting , profuse or scanty white glairy or tenacious mucous comes out, constant ineffectual urging for vomiting especially after eating, and in the morning but without too much of vomiting, vomiting gives a patient temporary relief so the patient wants to vomit by throwing finger inside the throat.
- Worst in the morning and after eating and better by immediately after vomiting for the time being.
- Nausea and vomiting every morning with depression of spirits.
- Vomiting may be from taking alcohol etc.
- Profuse vomiting may be associated with profuse diarrhoea, if once vomiting starts not easily stops.
- Every vomiting followed by excessive nausea and great prostration.
- Vomiting substances are bitter, foamy, white or yellowish green mucous, and offensive by drinking and from least motion.
- Due to frequent profuse vomiting vital force can sinks quickly and complete prostration with collapse may occur.
- Vomiting and nausea from pregnancy, irritation of mucous membrane of stomach, placing hand in warm water etc.
- As soon as cold water becomes warn in stomach, vomiting starts. Regurgitation of ingesta in mouthful.
- Something vomiting of bright red blood.
- During pregnancy, slight of water causing vomiting, in the evening, midnight, lie on left side, and from lie on right side.
- A weak empty all gone sensation in head, chest, stomach, or may be in entire abdomen.
- Vomiting of blood, bright-red blood, with tendency to form a gelatinous mass.
- Vomiting of the food with sour fluid, the food returning, undigested, sooner or later, after taking it.
- Vomiting of sour, fluid curdy masses with yellow, creamy coating of tongue.
- Vomiting in morning with chillness.