Homeopathy Health Care

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A pain commonly caused for kidney stone is known as Renal colic. This pain typically begins in the kidney area or below it and radiates through the flank until it reaches the bladder. Colic is a misnomer because renal colic pain tends to remain constant, whereas colic implies pain that is somewhat intermittent and often comes in waves, such as in biliary colic.

This renal colic pain has two varieties dull and acute; the acute variation is particularly unpleasant and has been described as one of the strongest pain sensations felt by humans. The pain depending on the type and sizes of the kidney stones moving through the urinal tract the pain may be stronger in the renal or bladder area or equally strong in both.


  • Renal colic from congestion of kidney or passage of kidneys or passage of calculi.
  • Dull aching in small of back and over bladder.
  • Urine burns while passing and urethra feels swollen.
  • Urine dark, contains blood, or deposit of renal epithelium and uric acid; passed often and little at a time, in drops
  • Craves sweets and sugar, which disagree.
  • Suffers from anticipation hurry.

  • Agonizing pains in back and hips from passage of calculi.
  • Piercing pains as if were plunged into renal region.
  • Violent tenesmus of bladder.
  • Chilly and inclined to vomiting.

  • Renal calculi with sharp, shooting pains, come suddenly and radiate and go suddenly.
  • Spasmodic, crampy staining along ureter, during passage of calculus.

  • One of the best remedies during the pafoxysms of renal colic.
  • Pains lancinating, cutting, stabbing like knives, shoot off in difference directions.
  • Tenesmus; burning pain, with intolerable urging to urinate.
  • If he could only pass a few drops more urinate.
  • If he could only pass a few drops more urine he would get relief.
  • Thirst, with aversion to all fluids.

Fibroid are usually benign non-cancerous tumors found, most often, in the uterus of women in their 30's and 40's, although they occasionally develop on other organs which contain smooth muscle cells.
Fibroid are solid tumors which are made of fibrous tissue, hence the name 'fibroid' tumor. Most often fibroids occur as multiple tumor masses which are slow-growing and often cause no symptoms.

The size of fibroids varies immensely among women and some are so small that a microscope is required to see them. However some women experience a single large fibroid tumor the size of a grapefruit or a fibroid which is so large it encompasses the entire abdominal area. An individual woman may have single or multiple fibroids. In fact, there can be a mixture of different types present in any given patient.

Fibroids are responsive to hormonal stimulation, especially that of estrogen, and may grow steadily during the fertile period of a woman's life. They frequently begin to shrink after menopause.

Fibroids are vascular tumors. That means that they have a rich supply of blood vessels, most often coming from the uterine artery
Symptoms are present in about half of the women with fibroids. The most common symptoms are pelvic pain, pain during sex, excessive vaginal bleeding, and a feeling of abdominal or pelvic fullness. In addition, the weight of a fibroid can compress the colon and urinary bladder, causing constipation or frequent urination.

Remedies & Symptoms


  • Fibroid of uterus; uterus low down, enlarged mouth open to admit finger, a smooth sensitive body felt within.
  • A sense of shuddering and painful pressure within uterus.


  • Uterine fibroid; pressing and contracting pain in uterus while sitting.
  • Coition prevented by extreme sensitiveness of vagina.


  • Uterine fibroid; uterus enlarged; uterine leucorrhoea with swelling of cervix, or and uterus felling hard and indurated.


  • Uterine fibroid and ovarian tumours; with profuse and prolonged menses.
  • Great sensitiveness of lower abdomen .
  • Uterine region feels swollen, will bear no contact, not even of clothing; bearing down pain.

Aphthae, aphthous ulcers or canker sores are ulcers that form on the mucous membranes of the mouth or genitals. The most common type of an aphthous ulcer is recurrent minor aphthous ulcer. Aphthous ulcers are typically recurrent round or oval sores or ulcers that occur inside the mouth on areas where the skin is not tightly bound to the underlying bone e.g. on the inside of the lips and cheeks or underneath the tongue.

Causes Aphthous ulcers Current thinking is that the immune system has been disturbed by some external factor and these results in the development of aphthous ulcers. Also, approximately 40% of people who get ulcers have a family history of aphthous ulcers.

Some factors that seem to trigger outbreaks of ulcers include: Mechanical trauma, for example self-inflicted bite. Nutritional deficiencies, particularly vitamins B, iron, and folic acid. Certain foods including chocolate. Emotional stress and lack of sleep. Certain toothpastes. Menstrual cycle Aphthous ulcers are commonly present in certain medical conditions.

Many of these conditions are associated with impaired immune systems and include Behcet disease, HIV/AIDS, gluten-sensitive enteropathy, Crohn disease and inflammatory bowel disease. Sometimes these ulcers can be painful, particularly if they are irritated by movement or from eating certain types of food. People may experience a single ulcer or multiple ulcers. Multiple ulcers tend to be widely distributed throughout a person's mouth.


  • Tongue inflamed, swollen and uncrated on edge.
  • The gum bleed, incline to ulcerated about teeth.
  • Very fetid breath
  • Profuse secretion of saliva in mouth.
  • Mouth full of fetid ulcers, with putrid smelling breath.
  • Ptyalism of a corrosive nature causing fresh ulcers to break out on lips, chins or cheeks.
  • Bleeding gums if syphilitic dyscrasia exists or patient has taken much mercury .
  • If disease assumes the character of stomatitis.
  • Painful swelling of gum, with bloody saliva.
  • Fetid ulcer or blisters in mouth, on gums, palate or tongue .
  • Constipation with frequent urging to stool.
  • Thick whitish or brownish ophthous coating on tongue
  • Blisters and aphthae in mouth, with burning and soreness.
Hygienic Measures Cleanliness, daily bathing washing out mouth frequently with tepid water, avoidance of all sugar teats, keeping breast and nipple clear, using proper ventilation, taking child in open air and sun light are the best prevention means. Washing out the mouth three or four time a day with a weak solution of Borax it is useful in many cases, but should not b pushed too far.

Asthma is known as a chronic long-term lung disease that inflames and narrows the airways, this disease involving the respiratory system in which the airways constrict, become inflamed, and are lined with excessive amounts of mucus, often in response to one or more triggers which causes recurring periods of wheezing means a whistling sound when you breathe, it also causes chest tightness, shortness of breath, and coughing. The coughing often occurs at night or early in the morning.

These attacks may be triggered by such things as exposure to an environmental stimulant such as an allergen, environmental tobacco smoke, cold or warm air, perfume, pet dander, moist air, exercise or exertion, or emotional stress. In children, the most common triggers are viral illnesses such as those that cause the common cold.

Remedies & Symptoms


  • Shortness of breath, especially when sleeping.
  • Dyspnoea, with inability to take a deep breath.
  • Spasmodic rough croaking cough, with constriction of windpipe.
  • Great fear and anxiety of mind with nervous excitability.
  • Fear of death predicts the day he will die.

  • Paroxysms mostly in afternoon or evening.
  • Sensation of dust in lungs, better bending head back, and when holding breath.
  • Face and eyes red, head not.
  • Dry spasmodic cough, especially at night.
  • Uneasiness and beating in chest.
  • Sleepiness but can’t sleep.
  • Plethoric individuals and young people.

  • Spasmodic asthma, with violent contraction in throat and chest.
  • Contraction of chest with short panting breathing.
  • Rattling noise in bronchial tubes during inspiration.
  • Suffocation threatens from constriction in throats and chest, worse from least motion.
  • Nausea with a feeling of emptiness in stomach.
  • Difficulty respiration, as if to breathe through as sponge.
  • Wheezing respiration, or slow and deep breathing, as if from debility.
  • Awakens often in a fright, and feels as if suffocating.
  • Hoarse hollow, wheezing cough. Cannot lie down.
  • Attack comes on during sleep, or in evening, with tightness across chest, and a sensation as of dust, in air-passage.
  • Dry cough with hoarseness or loose cough with soreness and pressure in chest. Frequent weak, faints spells.
  • In constant heat on top the head.

It is also referred as nose bleeding which is commonly a hemorrhage from nose , it is usually noticed when the blood drain out from nostrils.
There are two type of Epistaxis one in anterior which is the most common, and second is posterior which is less common more likely requires medial attention. Fresh blood and clotted blood can also flow down into the stomach and cause vomiting and nausea.
There are a variety of causes which can lead to bleeding from the nose.

Fracture of the nasal bones. Viral rhinitis means infection of the nose. Acute sinusitis. Finger nail trauma due to excessive nose picking. This is the most common cause among the children. Trauma to nose due to road traffic accident or being hit on the nose.
It may also happen due to bleeding disorders – when the patient has a deficiency in the system responsible for control of bleeding there is an abnormal tendency to bleed.
Atmospheric changes such as sudden movement to high altitudes. Any growth in the nasal cavity, like polyps, benign or malignant tumors . Deviation of the nasal septum . Foreign bodies in nose.


  • Congestion to head, with red face, Blood bright red, flowing freely.
  • Worse from motion, noise, bright light.
  • Persons of full habit.


  • In combinanation with hamoptysis.
  • Flow passive, non coagulable
  • Vicarious menstruation.


  • Suppressed or scanty menses.
  • Blood dark, runs continuously, with great prostration.
  • After long continued and exhausting disease, Blueness of skin.


  • The blood is black, thick, stringy, with cold sweat on forehead.

Cholera, sometimes known as Asiatic or epidemic cholera is an infectious gastroenteritis caused by enterotoxin -producing strains of the bacterium Vibrio cholerae. Transmission to humans occurs through eating food or drinking water contaminated with cholera vibrios. The major reservoir for cholera was long assumed to be humans themselves, but considerable evidence exists those aquatic environments can serve as reservoirs of the bacteria.

Vibrio cholerae is a Gram-negative bacterium that produces cholera toxin, an enterotoxin, whose action on the mucosal epithelium lining of the small intestine is responsible for the disease's infamous characteristic, exhaustive diarrhea.

In its most severe forms, cholera is one of the most rapidly fatal illnesses known, and a healthy person's blood pressure may drop to hypotensive levels within an hour of the onset of symptoms; infected patients may die within three hours if medical treatment is not provided. In a common scenario, the disease progresses from the first liquid stool to shock in 4 to 12 hours, with death following in 18 hours to several days, unless oral rehydration therapy is provided.

Remedies & Symptoms


  • Forming stage, where there is great vascular excitement.
  • Voilent heat and dryness of skin.
  • Great fear and anxiety of mind, with nervours excitability.
  • Full and frequent pulse vertigo, particularly on raising the head.
  • Bitter, greenish vomiting.
  • Stools whitish, with discharge of lumbrici.
  • Fear of death, predicts the day he will die.

  • Mostly in last stage, complete collapse of pulse, patient lies in a state of asphyxia.
  • The spasms and vomiting have ceased followed by great debility.
  • Cold breath, cold tongue, or coldness all over, livid countenance, hoarse voice, and sunken eyes.

  • Hippocratic countenance, pointed nose and hollow eyes.
  • Yellowish, blackish, or parched tongue.
  • Violent thirst with a desired to drink often, but little at a time, spasmodic colic.
  • Painless diarrhoea stools blackish, bilious or whitish.
  • Prostration even unto fainting.

  • Vomiting first food, then a greenish substance.
  • Violent constrictive pain in abdomen, as if intestine were squeezed between stones relieved by forcible pressure.
  • Terrible cramp-like pains which draw patient almost double.
  • Thin greenish slimy or watery stools; retention of urine.
  • Worse after eating or drinking.

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