Aphthae, aphthous ulcers or canker sores are ulcers that form on the mucous membranes of the mouth or genitals. The most common type of an aphthous ulcer is recurrent minor aphthous ulcer. Aphthous ulcers are typically recurrent round or oval sores or ulcers that occur inside the mouth on areas where the skin is not tightly bound to the underlying bone e.g. on the inside of the lips and cheeks or underneath the tongue.Causes Aphthous ulcers Current thinking is that the immune system has been disturbed by some external factor and these results in the development of aphthous ulcers. Also, approximately 40% of people who get ulcers have a family history of aphthous ulcers.
Some factors that seem to trigger outbreaks of ulcers include: Mechanical trauma, for example self-inflicted bite. Nutritional deficiencies, particularly vitamins B, iron, and folic acid. Certain foods including chocolate. Emotional stress and lack of sleep. Certain toothpastes. Menstrual cycle Aphthous ulcers are commonly present in certain medical conditions.Many of these conditions are associated with impaired immune systems and include Behcet disease, HIV/AIDS, gluten-sensitive enteropathy, Crohn disease and inflammatory bowel disease. Sometimes these ulcers can be painful, particularly if they are irritated by movement or from eating certain types of food. People may experience a single ulcer or multiple ulcers. Multiple ulcers tend to be widely distributed throughout a person's mouth.
- Tongue inflamed, swollen and uncrated on edge.
- The gum bleed, incline to ulcerated about teeth.
- Very fetid breath
- Profuse secretion of saliva in mouth.
- Mouth full of fetid ulcers, with putrid smelling breath.
- Ptyalism of a corrosive nature causing fresh ulcers to break out on lips, chins or cheeks.
- Bleeding gums if syphilitic dyscrasia exists or patient has taken much mercury .
- If disease assumes the character of stomatitis.
- Painful swelling of gum, with bloody saliva.
- Fetid ulcer or blisters in mouth, on gums, palate or tongue .
- Constipation with frequent urging to stool.
- Thick whitish or brownish ophthous coating on tongue
- Blisters and aphthae in mouth, with burning and soreness.