Homeopathy Health Care

Health tips to help you prevent disease and improve your health. Quitting smoking, wearing sunscreen, eating a healthy diet, and regular exercise can all

It’s a one of the very common problem for both children and adults. It cause due to infection of otitis externa means the outer ear infection, and infection in the middle ear means otitis media infection.

The cause of Earache

Earache of outer ear can happen due to minor injure and trapped infection to the ear canal, and the earache in the middle ear causes by bacteria growing in the middle ear behind the eardrum. There are also some other cause of earache.

Otitis externa is the skin infection of the outer ear or ear canal which often occurs after swimming. Bacteria that cause the infection are able to grow and multiply easily in the warm moist environment.

Otitis media is the infection of the middle ear and eardrum which is very common in infants and children aged 6 months to 2 years. It may also affect older children and adults. Cold or upper respiratory tract infection is also a cause of earache in Otitis media.

Remedies/ symptoms


  • Earache and inflammation of ear, at night.
  • Acute severe pain, caused by exposure to cold wind, or sudden stoppage of a chronic discharge from ear.
  • Roaring in ear, child restless, anxious.


  • Otitis externa in diffusa, burning and itching, scratching, by heat.
  • Tissues of meatus red, infiltrated, oozing clear, watery fluid.
  • Otorrhoea with profuse, ichorous, foul discharge, with burning itching in canal.
  • Hardness of hearing, cannot hear the human voice, by talking to others.


  • Otitis externa scrofulous, thick crust on and behind ears.
  • Buzzing and ringing in ears, reverberations, and swallowing, sneezing, walking fast.
  • Very impressible to catch cold.


  • Otalgia, sharp pains in and around ears.
  • Acute otitis media.
  • Shooting pain in the ear, with hardness of hearing.
  • Roaring and humming in the ears.
  • Inflammation of glands about the ears, tearing and stitching


  • Otitis externa suppurative in scrofulous persons.
  • Dermoid layer of membrane tympani destroyed by ulceration.
  • Polypus of ear, humming, roaring, buzzing in ears.
  • Pain in internal ears, extreme heat or cold, blowing nose or coughing

It is also known as stroke. It is an uncontrolled bleeding into the brain due to a cerebrovascular accident CVA, resulting in sudden loss of consciousness and paralysis of various parts of the body. When the blood vessel in the brain is blocked or broken, and the blood supply is reduced which carries oxygen and nutrients to the brain. Within a few minute the brains die without oxygen and nutrients.

Causes of Apoplexy:

It happens because of too much of blood within the brain called (Hemorrhagic Stroke).it happens when a blood vessel in the brain ruptures or leaks due to the onset of other diseases, such as high blood pressure.

Remedies/ Symptoms


Sudden attack of congestion in young and robust person, often apoplection.
Head hot; pulsation of carotids, pulse full, hard, strong especially after fright or vexation or in cold dry weather.
Dry hot skin, arterial tension, looks frightened.
If conscious, terror, anxiety, agonizing fears.
Great difficulty in swallowing.


Chief remedy because of its great power to produce absorption of blood.
Due to fall or any mechanical injury.
Paralysis of limbs especially of left side.
Stupor with involuntary stool and urine.
Head and face hot, body cool, sore, as if bruised, restless because bed feels so hard.
Falls into a deep stupor while answering.
Say she is well when desperately ill.


Sudden attack of vertigo like shocks in the head, heat of head, as if surrounding by hot air.
Cerebral congestion, with obstinate constipation, faces red, pulse hard, compressed, and frequent.
Pupils closed gradual loss of sight, great agitation and little sleep night before attack.


Apoplexy; flushed, hot, bloated face, dilated pupils, a fixed, threatening look, difficulty in swallowing, throbbing carotids, attack being sudden.
Pulsation of cerebral arteries.
The pain worse leaning forward, better bending back.
Worse stooping, light, jar.
Pain comes suddenly, lasts indefinitely and ceases suddenly.
First stage of apoplexy, when extravasation causes inflammatory reaction.
Violent delirium with intense redness, burning.


Treated or actually apoplexy with stupor, coma and nearly general paralysis.
Intense passive, congestion to head.
Headache with nausea, giddiness, staggering.
Brain tight, eyelids and limbs heavy.
Great weight and tiredness, body and limbs
Face purple, mottled.
Speech incoherent stupid forgetful.

What is laryngitis?

Larynx is an organ of voice, when some one speaks; two membranes in the larynx - the vocal cords - vibrate to make sound. Laryngitis is inflammation or irritation of the tissues of the larynx.

What causes laryngitis?

It’s a viral infection of the upper airways. It also causes by some kind of injury as an infection, smoking and other inhaled irritants, drinking of spirits, contact with caustic or acidic substances including the acid reflux from the stomach, vocal overuse, allergic reaction it may also cause due to direct trauma.

Remedies/ Symptoms:


  • Laryngitis with inflammatory fever.
  • Larynx sensitive to touch and to inspired air, as if denuded.
  • Voice husky, can scarcely speak, wants to cough, gut cannot


  • Frequent hemming and bringing up small, firm lumps of phlegm, without cough.
  • Frequent ticking irritation in windpipe.
  • Short breath in walking, has to stand still to get his breath.
  • Laryngophthisis.


  • Catarrhal laryngitis.
  • Larynx feel dry and sore.
  • Dry, short cough, by swallowing and deep breathing, hoarseness.
  • Probably from hepatic troubles.


  • Burning pain in larynx, increased by daytime deglutition.
  • Short, dry, cough in rapid paroxysms, mostly in daytime, less at night in warm bed.
  • Predicting ulcerations, after extensive ulceration has taken place as acrid, sero-purulent discharge comes from the ulcer.


  • Acute laryngitis, vocal cords bright red.
  • Feeling of fullness and soreness in dry larynx.
  • Deglutition painful and difficult, swollen tonsils.
  • Aversion to all drinks.
  • Pain in larynx when talking

When we have abnormal voice change this is known as Hoarseness, if some one is having a problem of hoarseness as the voice will sound rough, raspy, breathy, strained.
The major cause of hoarseness may be vocal cord nodules, irritation of or injury to vocal cord environmental irritants such as tobacco or smoking, viral laryngitis, laryngeal papillomas, and gastroesophageal reflux-related laryngitis. Hoarseness can also be caused by bacterial infection, overuse of the voice such as from yelling or singing, inhalation of irritants smoking, etc.



  • After exposure to dry, cold, wind, anger, fright, indignation or emotion.
  • Hoarse, croaking voice, like croup.
  • Larynx sensitive to touch.


  • Sudden complete aphonia.
  • Hoarseness evening and night especially towards morning.
  • Voice husking with a nasal twang.
  • Rawness in larynx awaking.


  • Loss of voice on becoming heated by exertion, the voice returns by resting.
  • Much hawking and expectoration of phlegm and depressed vitality of the laryngeal mucus membrane.
  • From heat of sun or from getting warm, after rest.


  • Aphonia or dysphonia with sore throat in persons who speak in public and sing.
  • Voice changeable, varying in tone from one moment to another
  • Catarrh of the pharynx, trachea and bronchial tubes.


  • Hoarseness with rough voice
  • Talking is very difficult, has to speak in a piping voice.
  • Larynx dry and sensitive to touch, sore throat.

Are you having the problem that when you go to sleep you are unable to sleep, are you having a problem for falling or staying a sleep, then it is a sigh of insomnia, or you also have a problem that you asleep easily but get up soon. The patient of insomnia will never feel refreshed when will wake up.

There are two types of insomnia. First is primary insomnia. It is a sleeping problem, and generally persists for least 1 month or longer. The second is called is secondary insomnia which occurs due to the side-effect of some other problem like pain, anxiety, and depression, medicines that delay or disrupt sleep as a side-effect, regular use of caffeine, tobacco, alcohol, and other substances that affect sleep, a poor sleep environment; or a change in sleep routine some extra illnesses, such as some heart and lung diseases.

Remedies / Symptoms


  • Uneasy sleep, with vexatious, anxious dreams.
  • In old people and children.
  • In those debilitated with over work.
  • In nervous persons, who are anemic, sleepless etc.
  • In thin, spare person of very nervous temperament

  • Great inclination to sleep.
  • Wants to sleep, but cant.
  • Starts as in a fright from sleep, or on just falling asleep in evening, the feet are jerked upward and the head forward.
  • Waked constantly by fearful dreams and twitchings.
  • Walking at night full of fear.
  • Anxious and frightful dreams.

  • Sleeplessness, from night watching, from business thoughts, from anxiety and restlessness.
  • Sleep unrefreshing.


Coughing is an important way to keep your throat and airways clear. However, excessive coughing may mean you have an underlying disease or disorder, .It’s forceful release of air from the lungs that can be heard.

Homeopathic treatment of coughs is frequently and often rapidly effective, but it needs very careful symptom observation.

If coughing is accompanied by high fever, chest pain, bloody sputum; or is especially severe.

Remedies /Symptoms


  • The cough is more moist, with rattling of mucus in the chest.
  • The throat may be sensitive to touch, there being a splinter-like pain.
  • The larynx may be painful, worse from cough and from swallowing food.
  • An effective remedy for croupy coughs, worse after 4 a.m.
  • This patient is also very irritable and extremely chilly.


  • It corresponds to a dry cough with a sore chest and stitching pains when coughing and moving.
  • Patients will usually hold the chest when coughing to splint it.
  • Cough may also be worse after eating, drinking, on entering a warm room, and after a deep breath.
  • Headaches from cough or motion may occur.
  • The pains are better from pressure, the patient is often irritable, wanting to be alone, and thirsty.


  • A dry, tight cough, often there is a pronounced sense of oppression of the chest.
  • The cough is worse from laughing, talking, eating, lying on the left side; it is also prone to be worse from exposure to open air and to changes in air temperature, as when going from cool outside air to a warm room or vice versa.
  • Sputum may taste salty or sweet, or appear rusty. There is usually a strong thirst for cold drinks.
  • The patient is often chilly, anxious, and prefers company.


  • It is often useful for coughs that linger.
  • The cough is liable to be worse all night long., the patient wants air.
  • There may be local sensations of heat, such as burning sensations in the chest, head, or face.
  • The patient is often hungry and thirsty; he may put his feet out of the covers at night. Look for the telltale unusual redness of the lips.


  • Head colds descend to the chest producing coughing which is typically dry and teasing.
  • Exposure to dry, cold weather aggravates.
  • The cough is often worse after eating and ameliorated by warm drinks.
  • Almost always the patient is very chilly; chills result from motion and uncovering.
  • The cough may cause headache.
  • Expect the person to be extremely irritable, unappreciative of assistance, and averse to answering any questions if quite ill.

What is Gangrene?

It is a term that refers to the death of living tissue while it is still part of the body. It is usually due to insufficient oxygen supply. Tissue death caused by poor blood flow. It is usually black with color, often with a foul odor.

When the living tissue turns gangrenous, it happens due to a secondary infection, the most common cause of gangrene is an impairment of the blood supply to the affected part of the body.

Types of Gangrene
  • Gas gangrene
  • Senile gangrene
  • Dry gangrene
  • Wet gangrene
  • Cold gangrene
  • Humid gangrene
  • Fournier gangrene
  • Emphysematous gangrene



Hard, red, blue painful swellings by external warmth,

Hot, shining, burning red sports and blusih blisters.

Fetid diarrhoea, after mid-night, with restlessness and prostration

Intense thirst, drinking little and often


Hospital gangrene

Death of edges of the wounds

Cancerous ulcer in face

Stony- hard swelling of glands, especially on lower jaw and throat,

Decayed teeth and gums, foul breath


Dry gangrene

Cachectic persons, where vital powers have become weakened

Great foulness of all the secretions

Great prostration; sepsis; indifferences, fainting after sleep, while yet in bed, morning.


Humid gangrene, parts turn balk.

After repeated hemorrhages, coldness of the extremities

Bedsores in people who are much debilitated from excessive discharges


Impending gangrene

Gangrenous blisters, bluish or balk- looking, burning and itching

Tingling in the parts with heat and redness

Ichorous offensive discharge

Traumatic gangrene

Great tenderness of throat to pressure

Dry mouth, dry skin, constant fever and thirst


Gangrene especially of old people.

The whole skin looks dingy and shriveled

Dry gangrene of extremities, the parts are dry, cold, hard and insensible, of uniform black color.

Numbness insensibility and coldness of limbs, from cold applications

What is Tonsillitis?

It is an infection of the tonsils glands, which we have in the back of our mouth. It causes either by a virus or a bacterium usually the bacterium known as streptococcus. Tonsils are part of the infection-fighting immune system and can become infected themselves. When tonsils become infected, they become red, swollen and very painful. If they become infected repeatedly, a surgery to remove the tonsils, a tonsillectomy, may be necessary.

What causes Tonsillitis?

It causes by a virus or bacteria. The tonsils filter secretions that enter in the body and can become overwhelmed with bacteria or viruses, when it become infected it cause problems. It can only determine with the doctor whether the tonsillitis is bacterial or viral and how to treat it.

Remedies / Symptoms


  • Red and highly inflamed tonsil.
  • Dryness in mouth and throat.
  • Burning, stinging pain in throat when swallowing.
  • Deep ulcer on tonsils and palate.
  • Tenacious mucous in throat.
  • Sensitive to touch, from hot and hot drinks, from cold and cold drinks.


  • Tonsillitis right side, parts bright red, swallowing liquids.
  • Tonsils swollen, inflamed and of a dark red color, ulcers soon forming.
  • The throat feels as if a plug were in it.
  • Constant inclination to swallow or hawk up something.
  • Burning throbbing and shooting pains in throat when swallowing.


  • Tonsillitis recurring regularly every 2 or 3 years.
  • Difficulty deglutition.
  • Severe pain, right tonsil particularly red and swollen.
  • Sensation of lumps in throat.
  • Sticking pain as from a fish bone in throat.
  • Pain from cold air, cold food and cold applications, by any kind of warm applications or food.


  • Tonsils swollen, inflamed and dark red or become ulcerated.
  • Offensive odour from mouth.
  • Violent pricking pains when swallowing, extending to ears or glands of throat.
  • Profuse discharge of saliva.
  • Much perspiration, which does not relieve at night.


Stomatitis or Aphtha or ulcer in mouth, is an inflammation of the mucous lining of any of the structures in the mouth, it involves the gums, cheeks, lips, tongue, and the roof of the mouth. Stomatitis a inflammation of the mouth, it cause due to many conditions in the mouth itself , such as poorly fitted dentures, poor oral hygiene, from mouth burns from hot food or drinks, allergic reaction, infections , etc.
It is a painful condition associated with redness, swelling, and occasional bleeding from the affected area; the mouth may also have a bad breath problem. It can affect to any age group from a baby to elders.

Remedies / Symptoms


  • Ulceration in mouth, edges of tongue ulcerated.
  • Aphthae with violent burning pain, they become livid or bluish.
  • Swollen and readily - bleeding gums, restlessness and great exhaustion.


  • Stomatitis maternal; sore, ulcerated mouth.
  • Chronic mercurial sore mouth; germs loose, flabby, dark – purplish and intolerable foetor.
  • Fauces dark-red, studded with dark, putrid ulcers


  • Mouth hot, tongue almost improvable salaiva bloody.
  • Gums loose receding, ulcerated and bleeding.
  • Oozing of blood, edges of gums yellow, indented, teeth loose and bad smell of ulcers.


  • Rawness of fauces and ulcer in throat.
  • Stomatitis after mercury, or chlorate of potash.
  • Ulcers sins mouth of nursing women or weakly children.
  • Peppery taste, tongue as if burnt or raw, with dark red appearances and raised papillae

My previous post was about Menstruation. Today I am giving my views about Vomiting and Nausea.

Vomiting and Nausea

Vomiting and nausea are a common complain that happens with many conditions and diseases. It can happen due to many causes like due to morning sickness, motion sickness, dehydration, pregnancy or due to any major sickness or cancer therapy also causes vomiting.
Vomiting is a very violent act in which the stomach contents are forcefully expelled through mouth. The stomach turn itself inside out - forcing itself into the lower portion of the esophagus during a vomiting.

Nausea can be defined as a unpleasant feeling in stomach or throat that may cause vomiting, nausea is the sensation that the stomach wants to empty itself.

There are several causes for nausea and vomiting,It can cause due to acute gastric or other illnesses in the stomach. Food poisoning may also cause vomiting and usually it happens due to bacterial toxin. Another cause of vomiting is use of alcohol or smoking. It may also cause due to Peptic ulcer disease which causes mild irritation of the stomach lining to the formation of a defect in the protective lining of the stomach called an ulcer.

Remedies/ Symptoms


  • Vomiting from hot spiced food or seasoned food, irregular diets, over eating, mental over exertion, effects of night watching, smoking, alcohol etc.
  • Bitter or sour tasted vomiting , profuse or scanty white glairy or tenacious mucous comes out, constant ineffectual urging for vomiting especially after eating, and in the morning but without too much of vomiting, vomiting gives a patient temporary relief so the patient wants to vomit by throwing finger inside the throat.
  • Worst in the morning and after eating and better by immediately after vomiting for the time being.
  • Nausea and vomiting every morning with depression of spirits.


  • Vomiting may be from taking alcohol etc.
  • Profuse vomiting may be associated with profuse diarrhoea, if once vomiting starts not easily stops.
  • Every vomiting followed by excessive nausea and great prostration.
  • Vomiting substances are bitter, foamy, white or yellowish green mucous, and offensive by drinking and from least motion.
  • Due to frequent profuse vomiting vital force can sinks quickly and complete prostration with collapse may occur.


  • Vomiting and nausea from pregnancy, irritation of mucous membrane of stomach, placing hand in warm water etc.
  • As soon as cold water becomes warn in stomach, vomiting starts. Regurgitation of ingesta in mouthful.
  • Something vomiting of bright red blood.
  • During pregnancy, slight of water causing vomiting, in the evening, midnight, lie on left side, and from lie on right side.
  • A weak empty all gone sensation in head, chest, stomach, or may be in entire abdomen.



  • Vomiting of blood, bright-red blood, with tendency to form a gelatinous mass.
  • Vomiting of the food with sour fluid, the food returning, undigested, sooner or later, after taking it.

  • Vomiting of sour, fluid curdy masses with yellow, creamy coating of tongue.

  • Vomiting in morning with chillness.

My previous post was about Diarrhoea which is also a major cause of child malnutrition. Today I ma giving my views about Menstruation


Menstruation is being known with many names like period, monthly cycle. It is a vaginal bleeding occurs approximately every 28 days in adolescent girls and pre-menopausal women. In this time female sex hormones prepare the uterus to support a pregnancy. If pregnancy takes place, menstruation usually does not return until after childbirth. Menstrual blood and tissues leave the body through the vagina and it usually lasts from three to seven days. Menstrual disorders occur when certain factors interrupt a woman’s menstrual cycle.

Menstrual disorders include missed periods (amenorrhea), as well as periods that are unusually heavy or long (menorrhagia), unusually light (hypomenorrhea), unusually frequent (polymenorrhea), unusually infrequent (oligomenorrhea) and unusually painful (dysmenorrhea).

Remedies/ Symptoms


  • Menses profuse long lasting esp. in plethoric women who lead a sedentary life, or too late, diminished or protracted.
  • Menses profuse with nose bleed.
  • Menses suppressed by fright vexation.
  • Dysmenorrhea from thickening of the peritoneum over ovaries, labor-like pressing in womb has to bend double relieved is no position.

  • Delayed first menstruation.
  • Menses suppressed from getting the feet wet.
  • Too late, scanty, slimy, painful, irregular, intermittent flow, with evening chillness.
  • Dysmenorrhoea with great restlessness and tossing in every possible direction.
  • Flows more during day and while walking about, very little at night.
  • Before menses weeping sadness , migraine, thick white leucorrhoea when lying down during menses fainting, nausea and vomiting after menses milky thick whit mucus or burning acrid leucorrhoea with swelling of labia and soreness of pudendum.
  • Irregular menses in consequence of constipation. The patient is thirstlessness , mild gentle, weep easily.

  • Irregular menses of nearly every form for example early, late, scanty, profuse, amenorrhea or menorrhagia.
  • Following in the morning great weakness in the morning.Regular but scanty , lasting only one day dark.
  • Before menses sadness acrid leucorrhoea, with violent colic shuddering.

In my previous post I described my views about Mumps, why its causes, remedies/ symptoms. In this post I will describe Diarrhoea causes of it, types, remedies/ symptoms.


Diarrhoea causes dehydration. Children are more likely than adults to die from diarrhoea because they become dehydrated more quickly. Diarrhoea is also a major cause of child malnutrition. Diarrhea commonly results from gastroenteritis caused by viral infections. In sanitary living conditions where there is simple food and use of clean water, an otherwise healthy patient usually recovers from viral infections in a few days, but if you have diarrhoea for long periods of time, it is very troubling and you may feel very weak and tired.

Types of Diarrhoea

  • Secretory Diarrhoea
  • Osmotic Diarrhoea
  • Motility-related Diarrhoea
  • Inflammatory Diarrhoea

Remedies / Symptoms


  • Stools white, like chopped spinach slimy, bloody with tenesmus.
  • Before or after diarrhoea, nausea and perspiration.
  • Sudden attack after exposure to violent cold after being chilled
  • Vertigo or fainting on rising up.

  • Has to hurry to stool immediately after eating and drinking.
  • Want to confidence in sphincter ani urging to stool continuously
  • Profuse watery diarrhoea accompanied by wind, containing lumps pf jelly- like mucous, looking like frog-spawn.
  • Before stool, a feeling a feeling of weight and fullness in pelvis, during stools, very early in the morning
  • Excruciating cutting, griping colicky pain in right lower portion of abdomen.


  • Stool profuse watery, with meal like sediment, green foetid, gushing out chalk like undigested.
  • Prolapse of rectum before or with stool
  • Long standing early in the morning continuous though forenoon flowed by natural stool in evening.
  • Painless diarrhoea or colic before and during stool.
  • Before stool, loud gurgling in bowels as of water.
  • Headache alternatives with diarrhoea.
  • During teething, after eating, while being bathed or washed of dirty water soaking napkin through with gagging
  • Stool larger than expected from food taken.

In my previous section I described my views about Appendicitis . This article mentions what is Mumps causes, remedies and symptoms.

What is Mumps?

Mumps is a short-term viral infection, relatively mild of the salivary gland that usually occurs during childhood. It is characterized by a painful swelling of both cheek areas, although the person could have swelling on one side or no perceivable swelling at all.
It is also known Parotid Glands; therefore, mumps is sometimes referred to as an inflammation of the parotid glands.


The virus that causes mumps lives in a person's saliva. It is spread by coughing, sneezing, or other direct contact between people. . It spreads easily in densely populated areas, such as schools. Most children developed the disease between the ages of four and seven. Mumps epidemics reappeared in two- to five-year cycles.

Remedies /symptoms


  • Mumps may be from sudden checked of perspiration; exposure to dry cold air dry north or west wind etc.
  • Sudden and violent swelling over the parotid region.
  • Fever with restlessness and anxiety.
  • Intense thirst for cold water in the evening and night.


  • I inflammation of rights parotid with bright redness and violent shooting pains.
  • Glowing redness of face.
  • Sensitive to cold.
  • Sudden disappearance of swelling with throbbing headache and delirium.
  • Sleepiness but cannot sleep from slightest touch, motion, cold air, at night when, uncovering; during rest, by warm application.


  • Mumps, it act very quickly and also relieves the pain.
  • It has also a reputation for the metastases in which mumps excels weather to testes or mammae, when the swelling suddenly subside as the result of a chill and worst troubles supervene.
  • Pilocarpus also acts as a prophylactic.


  • Lingering fever, or metastases.
  • If in mumps the patient get a cold.
  • Vertigo on rising from siting posture , with chilliness.
  • Thickly – coated tongue, with bad taste in morning.

In my previous section I described my views about asthma .This article mentions what is appendicitis, causes, remedies and symptoms.

What is Appendicitis?
Appendicitis results from inflammation of the appendix. It is like a small worm as a pouch attached to the right side of the large intestine. It can happen at any age but most cases are between 8 and 25 years of age. It is rarely seen in children aged less than two years. It is most commonly seen in boys than in girls, and more common in teenagers than in younger children.

Cause of Appendicitis:
The specific reason for the inflammation is still not known in most of the cases but it is sometimes caused by small pieces of hardened stool that get stuck in the appendix.

Remedies/ symptoms


  • Sudden and violent pain in the right ileo-caecal region .
  • Troubling or cutting or burring sensation of the affected region .
  • Cannot bear the least touch, not even the pressure of the cover and above all, the least jar
  • Is constrained to lie motionless on back.


  • Ileo-caecal region I extremely sensitive to touch and pressure.
  • Distension of abdominal with griping, tearing, cutting, stitching pains.
  • Motion excites vomiting and pain.
  • Cold feeling in abdominal .
  • Aversion to food loathing even the sight or still more the smell of it.

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