What are Pruritus and its Cause?
It is a sensation which seems unpleasant and creates a desire to scratch. It’s also known as itch, it leads to a scratch reflex.
Itching is associated with both dermatologic and systemic causes and it is important to determine whether there is an associated skin eruption. A characteristic rash usually establishes the diagnosis of a primary dermatological disorder.Severe itching leads to vigorous scratching that causes secondary skin changes of excoriation, lichenification, dryness, eczematization and infection. Over-bathing and contact allergy to topical therapies may lead to dermatitis.
Remedies / symptoms
Pruritus vulvae during pregnancy and after miscaeeiage, pruritus vaginae induce onanism, with mucous discharge and pimples around parts.
Violent itching on external genitals compelled her to scratch in spite of punishment, reduced her in mind and body, at night, from cold water.
Excessive pruritus vulvae, which are puffed, hot, red and etching terribly.
Labia swollen and covered with a curdy, white deposit, like Aphthae.
Leucorrhoea of a bad odor, easily changing to flow of blood.
Itching of penis and at fraenum preputii.
Smarting itching of vulva, little pimples around ulcer, with leucorrhoea.
Unhealthy skin, slight injuries suppurate
Furious itching inside of uterus, pruritus vulvae, voluptuous tingling, with anxiety and palpitation of heat.
Itching, burning, with inculination to scratch on different parts of body.