Homeopathy Health Care

Health tips to help you prevent disease and improve your health. Quitting smoking, wearing sunscreen, eating a healthy diet, and regular exercise can all

What Is Asthma?

Asthma is a lung condition that causes a person to have difficulty breathing. Asthma is a common condition. More than 6 million kids and adults have it. Asthma is a disease that inflames and narrows the airways in your lungs. If the airways become so narrow that you have trouble breathing, it’s called an asthma flare-up or “Asthma Attack”. Air travels into and out of the lungs through tubes called airways.
Asthma affects a person's airways, also known as bronchial tubes .When a person breathes normally, air is taken in through the nose or mouth and then goes into the Trachea (windpipe), passing through the bronchial tubes, into the lungs, and finally back out again. But people with asthma have airways that are inflamed. This means that they swell and produce lots of thick mucus. They are also overly sensitive, or hyperreactive, to certain things, like, dust, exercise, or cigarette smoke. This hyperreactivity causes the smooth muscle that surrounds the airways to tighten up. The combination of airway inflammation and muscle tightening narrows the airways and makes it difficult for air to move through.

In most people with asthma, the difficulty breathing happens periodically. When it does happen, it is known as an asthma attack, flare, episode, or exacerbation.

This narrowing or obstruction can cause one or a combination of the following symptoms:
  • Coughing
  • Wheezing
  • Shortness of breath
  • Chest tightness

Causes of Asthma

Environmental Factors:

In wealthy, hygienic places, most babies are not exposed to bacterial infections that "kick start" the immune system in early life and may be important in directing the immune system away from allergic responses. They also grow up in warm, well-furnished, carpeted homes that don't allow much airflow. This encourages the rapid breeding of large numbers of house dust mites in bedding, carpets and furnishings. Many children, instead of playing outside in fresh air, spend most of their time indoors. This further increases dust mite sensitization. Exposure to tobacco smoke whether during the mother's pregnancy or in early childhood, predisposes children to developing asthma. It also makes their symptoms more severe. Children can also become sensitized to animals, pollens moulds and dust in the environment .

Dietary Changes:

changes in diet in such as a high proportion of processed foods, a higher salt intake, a lower antioxidant intake and a lack of fresh oily fish, lower intake of omega-3 fatty acids may contribute to the development of asthma.

Genetic Factors:

Asthma tends to run in families, and many people with asthma also have other allergic conditions such as rhinitis which is known as inflammation of the nose lining. "Allergy" is a hypersensitivity to some proteins foreign to the body; a small dose of the "Allergen" will produce a violent reaction in the person concerned.

Occupational Exposure:

In adults, asthma can develop in response to irritants in the workplace- chemicals, dusts, gases, moulds and pollens. These can be found in industries such as baking, spray painting of cars, woodworking, chemical production, and farming etc. .

Lack of Exercise:

When some one spends more time inside in front of the television or computes means that children get far less exercise. Reduced exercise may mean less stretching of the airways, and a greater tendency for the muscle in the airway walls to contract abnormally when exposed to minor irritants.

Prevention of Asthma

The best way to prevent an allergy is to recognize that you have one. Often people confuse an allergy with a cold or flu. Remember colds are short-lived and passed from person to person, whereas allergies are immune system reactions to normally harmless substances.
If you are dust-sensitive, especially if you have allergies and/or asthma, you can reduce some of your misery by creating a "dust-free" bedroom. Dust may contain molds, fibers, and dander from dogs, cats, and other animals, as well as tiny dust mites. These mites, which live in bedding, upholstered furniture, and carpets, thrive in the summer and die in the winter. They will, however, continue to thrive in the winter if the house is warm and humid. The particles seen floating in a shaft of sunlight include dead mites and their waste products, The waste products actually provoke the allergic reaction.

Food Allergies

Our consumption of food nearly triples during the holiday season. With the scrumptious variety of foods available during the holidays, a food allergy can easily present itself.

Symptoms of a food allergy can be as simple as skin problems (itchiness, rashes or hives) or intestinal troubles (abdominal pain, diarrhea or vomiting), or as dangerous as swelling of the respiratory passages, shortness of breath, fainting or anaphylactic shock.

The more common food allergens are:

  • Egg
  • Milk
  • Peanuts
  • Soy
  • Shellfish
  • Wheat

These foods are often hidden as ingredients in casseroles or desserts. You should be aware of what you are eating, but don't limit your diet to only a few foods since a well balanced diet is best.

Preventive Strategies

  • If you have had severe reactions to a food, talk to your doctor about carrying an epinephrine injector
  • If you experience symptoms, avoid any further contact with that food item, rinse your mouth and meet a doctor.
  • Read food labels carefully.
  • If you are dining out, ask about the ingredients used in preparing the dish before tasting the food.
  • Beware of foods that cause you symptoms.


Cockroaches are one of the most common and allergenic of indoor pests.Recent studies have found a strong association between the presence of cockroaches and increases in the severity of asthma symptoms in individuals who are sensitive to cockroach allergens.
These pests are common even in the cleanest of crowded urban areas and older dwellings. They are found in all types of neighborhoods.The proteins found in cockroach saliva are particularly allergenic but the body and droppings of cockroaches also contain allergenic proteins.

Preventive Strategies

  • Avoid the outdoors between 5-10 am. Save outside activities for late afternoon or after a heavy rain, when pollen levels are lower.
  • Be aware that pollen can also be transported indoors on people and pets.
  • Dry your clothes in an automatic dryer rather than hanging them outside. Otherwise pollen can collect on clothing and be carried indoors.
  • Keep windows in your home and car closed to lower exposure to pollen. To keep cool, use air conditioners and avoid using window and attic fans.
  • If you buy trees for your yard, look for species that do not aggravate allergies such as catalpa, crape myrtle, dogwood, fig, fir, palm, pear, plum, redbud and redwood trees

House Dust

House dust is a component of who you are. House dust is not just dirt but a mixture of otentially allergenic materials, such as:

  • Dust mites
  • Plant & insect parts
  • Fibers
  • Hair, animal fur & feathers
  • Dried saliva & urine from pets
  • Food particles
  • Mold spores
  • Pollens
  • Flakes of human & animal skin

The more time you spend indoors, particularly in the fall and winter, the greater your exposure to house dust allergens.

Preventive Strategies

  • Wear protective gloves and a dust mask while cleaning to reduce exposure to dust and cleaning irritants.
  • Dust rooms thoroughly with a damp cloth at least once a week.
  • Use electric and hot water radiant heaters to provide a cleaner source of heat than "blown air" systems.
  • Reduce the number of stuffed animals, wicker baskets, dried flowers and other dust collectors around the house.
  • Replace carpets with washable scatter rugs or bare floors (wood, tile or linoleum).

Replace heavy drapes and blinds with washable curtains or shades.


As with tree pollen, grass pollen is regional as well as seasonal. In addition, grass pollen levels can be affected by temperature, time of day and rain.Of the 1,200 species of grass that grow in North America, only a small percentage of these cause allergies. The most common grasses that can cause allergies are:

  • Bermuda grass
  • Johnson grass
  • Kentucky bluegrass
  • Orchard grass
  • Sweet vernal grass
  • Timothy grass

Animal Allergens

Many people think animal allergies are caused by the fur or feathers of their pet. In fact, allergies are actually aggravated by:

  • Proteins in saliva (which stick to fur when animals lick themselves).
  • Proteins secreted by oil glands and shed as dander.
  • Aerosolized urine from rodents and guinea pigs.

Keep in mind that you can sneeze with and without your pet being present. Although an animal may be out of sight, their allergens are not. This is because pet allergens are carried on very small particles. As a result pet allergens can remain circulating in the air and remain on carpets and furniture for weeks and months after a pet is gone.

Preventive Strategies

  • If pet removal is not possible, keep them out of bedrooms and confined to areas without carpets or upholstered furniture.
  • After playing with your pet, wash your hands and clean your clothes to remove pet allergens.
  • Remove pets from your home if possible.
  • Wear a dust mask and gloves when near rodents.
  • Avoid contact with soiled litter cages.

Remedies /Symptoms


  • Complain are due to alcoholism ptomaine poisoning, dissecting wound, effect from decayed food'
  • Asthma worst in mid night.
  • Burning in chest unable to lie down.
  • Expectoration is scanty forthish.
  • Wheezing respiration.
  • Aliments” in wet weather, after mid night from cold drink and food and from heat taking warm drink.


  • Violent degree of dyspnoea with wheezing and great precordial weight and anxiety.
  • Asthmatic bronchitis.
  • Suffocates and gags with cough, splits up a little blood.
  • Has to sit up at night to breath.
  • Serve and convulsive paroxysm of asthma.
  • Suffocative cough stiffens out, turn red or blue, gags or vomits.
  • Hands and feet drip cold sweat.


  • Asthmatic trouble due to weakness of the lungs, which is again due to paralysis of the vagus nerve.
  • May be caused from exposure in damp basement or cellars.
  • Very much rattling sound in lungs as if deathly rattles due to accumulation of profuse loose mucous.
  • Fine mucous rales is audible throughout the chest.
  • Inability to expectorate.

Alopecia (Hair Fall)

One of the commonest forms of hair loss in women and men is a condition called TELOGEN effluvium, in which there is a diffuse shedding of hairs around the scalp and elsewhere on the body. This is a fairly common symptom of lupus. The hair loss is usually patchy. This is usually a reaction to intense stress on the body's physical or hormonal systems, or as a reaction to medication.
The condition, which can occur at any age, generally begins fairly suddenly and gets better on its own within about six months, although for a few people it can become a chronic problem. About 90 percent of hair on the scalp grows continually. The other 10 percent of scalp hair is in a resting phase that lasts two to three months. At the end of the resting stage, this hair is shed. Shedding 50 to 100 hairs a day is normal.

Every hair follicle has life cycle of between two and six years, which ends with the hair falling and a new one replacing it. 90% of the hair is at the growing stage ANAGEN; at this stage the hair grows about 0.3 mm everyday and it last three years. The next stage is resting KATAGEN; at this stage the hair does not grow and stay static for three weeks. The last stage takes place when the hair falls TELOGEN; it can take up to three months to the hair to fall. Normally, at this stage new hair is growing.The average person loses between 50 to 100 hairs daily. The hair grows about one CM a month. Blond people have more hairs, about 140,000, in compare to darker hair people who have 90,000. Old people tend to lose more hairs then growing them back. About 90 percent of hair on the scalp grows continually. The other 10 percent of scalp hair is in a resting phase that lasts two to three months. At the end of the resting stage, this hair is shed.
Hair loss is usually diagnostic when large areas of the scalp are left with only thin hair. Usually people notice hair loss when they comb, or at the shower. The hair loss results from the pressure on the hairs during these activities, and not necessarily indicates that you have hair loss problem. One way to test if we are losing our hair is to pull your hair if you end up with more than 4-5 hairs in your hand you might have a problem. Another test is counting the hairs on your pillow in the morning. More than 8 hairs are indication to serious hair loss.

What causes hair loss?

Hair loss is believed to be primarily caused by a combination of the following:

  • Change in hormones
  • Aging
  • Illness
  • Family history of baldness
  • Burns
  • Trauma

However, Hair loss is not caused by the following:

  • Poor circulation to the scalp
  • Vitamin deficiencies
  • Dandruff
  • Excessive hat, helmet -wearing
  • A gene passed on from an individual's maternal grandfather

Remedies/ Symptoms


  • Round patches on scalp completely deprived of hair.
  • Falling of hair in large bunches on the forehead and on the side above the ears.
  • The root of the hair seems to be dry; denuded scalp looks clear white and smooth.
  • Dandruff copious, fall out in clouds.


  • Hair becomes gray early.
  • Hair fall off after abdominal diseases or after parturition; with burning , scalding , itching of the scalp .
  • Hair dry and falling off scalp sore to touch.


  • Falling off hair especially from side of head and when combing.
  • Dryness of hair, great sensitiveness of scalp, with yellowish or white scales on scalp


  • Hair falls out, mostly from Occiput and around the ears, with humid, foetid eruption or dandruff on the scalp.
  • Hair pulls out without pain after the slightest effort.

Arthritis: what is it?

A simple mean of arthritis is a painful joint .Arthritis is often referred to as a chronic disease. This means that it can affect the person afflicted with arthritis over a long period of time, perhaps for the rest of a person's life. It can be treated through a variety of products, both prescription and over-the-counter, as well as natural and medical-related methods. This is a brief overview of some of the methods and products that arthritis sufferers can use to alleviate, many of the symptoms associated with arthritis, especially joint pain.

There are over 100 types of arthritis and rheumatic diseases including Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, and Fibromyalgia here is the description of some:

Rheumatoid Arthritis: Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic inflammatory disease that primarily affects the joints and surrounding tissues, it’s the main type of inflammatory arthritis. It's a chronic condition identified by pain and swelling in the joints, which leads to reduced movement and the breakdown of bone and cartilage. Affecting between 1% and 3% of the population, rheumatoid arthritis usually starts between the ages of 30 and 50. Women are affected three times more often than men.

Osteoarthritis: Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis. It occurs when the cartilage between your bones gradually wastes away and can lead to painful rubbing of bone on bone in the joints. It may also cause joints to fall out of their natural positions (Misalignment). The most frequently affected joints are in the hands, spine, knees and hips. Osteoarthritis mostly affects people aged between 40 and 60; it grows more common with age. Around 15% of people over 65 are affected.
Soft Tissue Rheumatism describes irritation, inflammation or pain arising from the muscles and ligaments that support joints. Some are localized, such as 'tennis elbow', others are more widespread.

Other forms of arthritis include cervical spondylitis, ankylosing spondylitis, fibromyalgia, gout. Systemic lupus erythematosis (lupus), psoriatic arthritis and Reiter’s syndrome. it often associated with older people, but can also affect children.
Three types of Arthritis which affect children:
Oligo-Articular- Onset juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA). Only a few joints are affected, most commonly the knee. It has good recovery rates and the joints are rarely affected in the long term. However, there's a risk of developing uveitis (inflammation of the eye), so children should have regular checks with an eye specialist (Ophthalmologist).

Polyarticular JIA (or Polyarthritis).
Many joints are inflamed, with symptoms very similar to adult rheumatoid arthritis. This kind of arthritis may continue into adult life; it may also go into a state of remission where all the symptoms disappear.

Systemic JIA. This affects the whole body and causes fever and rashes as well as inflamed joints. The cause of JIA is unknown, but theories include genetic factors and viral infections .

Natural Methods which are most Beneficial
Exercise &Weight Reduction:
Stretching Exercises :swimming, walking, low-impact aerobic exercise, and range-of-motion exercises may reduce joint pain and stiffness while increasing joint mobility. In addition to alleviating some symptoms, the weight loss associated with an exercise program is beneficial in relieving the stress of extra weight on weight-bearing joints, especially the hips and knees In addition, if osteoarthritis has already affected one knee, weight reduction will reduce the chance of it occurring in the other knee. A physical therapist or gym trainer can help plan an exercise program that will give you the most benefit with the least stress on the arthritis-stressed joints.
Joint Protection:

A splint or brace can be used to allow joints to rest and keep them from being used, which can exacerbate the condition and may lead to additional injury. As with many other treatments, your physician or physical therapist can make recommendations and possibly provide you with the brace.
Heat and Cold:

Since heat and/or cold is not recommended to alleviate symptoms associated with all types of arthritis, the decision whether to use it or not should be discussed with your doctor or physical therapist. If appropriate for use on your arthritis pain, it must be determined which kind of temperature treatment should be used. Moist heat, such as a warm bath or shower, or dry heat, such as a heating pad, placed on affected joint for about 15 minutes may relieve the pain. An ice pack wrapped in a towel and placed on the sore area for about 15 minutes may help to reduce swelling and stop the pain. If you have poor circulation, do not use cold packs.


This method is associated with temporarily relieving one of the major symptoms associated with arthritis, joint pain, rather than treating the underlying cause, loss of cartilage. A massage therapist will lightly stroke and/or knead the painful muscle, which increases blood flow to the stressed area. It is important to realize that arthritic joints are very sensitive, so the massage therapist must be familiar with the disease and problems associated with the affected joints.

Remedies /Symptoms

* Chromic arthritis
* Rheumatism from suddenly checked diarrhoea or other secretion, for the excessive pain before the swelling.
* Metastasis of rheumatisms from knee to heart, with sharp pain in cardiac reason.
* When gout is suppressed, joint stiff, swollen, with pricing sensation; wrist & ankle-joints painful.


* Rheumatism affecting the believes of the muscles; pain stitching cramping.
* Rheumatic pain in muscles of neck and back, feel stiff, lame, contracted.
* Spin sensitive, from using arms in sewing, typewriting, piano playing.
* Joint swelling, red hot, shining
* Exquisitely sensitive to touch or jar.
* Recurrent fever with pains attacking nape of neck.
* Inflammatory rheumatism with heart trouble.
* Painful stiffness of the affected joints, sensitive to touch.

What is Migraine?

In now days every one gets headache , but the migraine is a worst than a regular headache. It troubles one or both side of the head. Most migraine last for 15 - 30 minuets or for 3-6 hours but some can last for a day or 2.Its a type of Headache which may occur with symptoms as vomiting, nausea, or sensetive to light in many people.

Why Migraine Causes?

Lots of people get migraine; about 15 out of 100 .Migraine affects girls 2 - 3 times more often then boys.
Migraine occurs by abnormal brain activity by stress or environmental factor or certain food or something else, but the real cause of migraine still remains unclear.
People with migraine react with a Varity of factors called as triggers & these triggers vary from person to person.

Some Common Triggers;

  • Physical or emotional stress.
  • Alcohol, Smoking or exposure to smoke.
  • Allergic Reactions,physical or emotional stress.
  • Bright lights, loud noises.
  • Certain odors or perfumes.
  • Changes in hormone levels (which can occur during a woman's menstrual cycle or with the use of birth control pills)
  • Changes in sleep patterns, Exercise.
  • Missed meals.
  • Any processed, fermented, pickled, or marinated foods baked goods.
  • Dairy products.
  • Meats containing nitrates (bacon, hot dogs, salami, cured meats).

True migraine headaches are not a result of brain tumor or other serious medical problem, only an experienced health care provider (Doctor) ,determines whether your symptoms are due to a migraine or another condition.

Remedies / Symptoms

· Morning headache when awaking.
· Hemi crania; feeling of expansion , as if head were enormously enlarged.

· Pressing frontal headache over glabellas, must bend the head forward, following by inclination to vomiting
· Due to mental labor or by any work that is irk-some or more severe than usual.
· After eating (marinated or fermented food).

· Migraine which seems to commence at nape of neck, darting and shoot into the fore head, now here, now there
· By noise and talking.
· Confused felling in head with icy coldness of body.

Lets visits our Last post at :-Headache


What is Headache ?

In the term of medical science a headache is a common pain in head, the upper back, or in the neck. One of the Most Common Symptoms experienced by humans. Common headache usually harmless, but occasionally it is a pointer to a serious disease such as brain tumor or stroke. There is no single cause of headaches, number of causes have been identified.
There are some common cause of headache like-
stress,fagitue, poor posture, eye strain, tobacco, alcohal use. In women, hormonal changes occurring befor and after a menstrual period.
Homeopathy is safe and free of side effects and for these reasons can easily be used by every one so here are some remedies and symptoms.
Remedies/ Symptoms
· Congestive headache ,vision obscured, pressing and contracting pains In the upper

part of head.
· Sunstroke from sleeping in the sun rays.
· By lying quietly in the dark room, by nosebleed or by copious urination.
· Headache occurs from a misstep or from loud noise and strong odors
· Headache by strong pressure and lying down and falling asleep, also by eating.
· Nervous headache from mental overwork and fatigue tearing pain in forehead and

upper part of head.

· Rush of blood to head.
· Jerking headache walking going upstairs busting as if brain would be pressed out.
· Caused by explore to cold air or draft of cold are.
· From hair cut or from heat of the sun from washing the head.

Natrum Mur:
· One f the best remedies for chronic headache.
· After washing head with cold water when face was sweating. Irritable thirsty dry lips and
· Bursting or splitting or heavy crushing headache.
· Dullness confusion, dizziness, loss of consciousness.

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